
- ZH

πŸ–– Greetings!

My name is Leehyon, you can also call me Koh, a mechanical engineering master’s degree holder turned embedded software engineer.

I graduated from KIT in Germany and I am currently employed in the automotive industry in Shanghai. I possess fundamental proficiency in programming languages such as C/C++ and C#.

Outside of my studies and work, I take pleasure in outdoor activities and learning about new things. Restricting myself to one place is not something I prefer. Additionally, I endeavor to maintain a reflective attitude and delve into the fundamental reasoning behind all things to broaden my perspectives and explore various possibilities.

πŸ•οΈ About Kohsruhe

Kohsruhe is my first website, which I built using Hugo and host on GitHub.

The name of the site is a combination of my nickname “Koh”, and the German word “Ruhe”, meaning “peace” or “calm”. I hope that through this site I can settle my thoughts and find a sense of inner peace. Well, no quatsch, the name is largely borrowed from “Karlsruhe”, the city where I studied in Germany, lol.

The site content is rather messy, it may involve industry technology, essays, life experiences and so on. But I will try to keep it simple, clear, focused and detailed. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement or would like to discuss something further, please don’t hesitate to contact me.